Hoosac Lake - Weed Management Agreement

The Hoosac Lake District, acting through its Prudential Committee and the Town of Cheshire, acting through its Board of Selectmen, has contracted The Pond and Lake Connection of Brookfield CT a qualified Massachusetts licensed herbicide applicator to conduct herbicide treatment of invasive, nuisance aquatic vegetation (including Eurasian milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), Curlyleaf Pondweed (Potamogeton crispus), European Naiad (Najas minor), and Thin-leaf Pondweed (Potamogeton pusillus/foliosus)) in Hoosac Lake(North Basin)

Scope of work is covered under our new NOI with Town of Cheshire - Conservation Commission and MA-DEP ( MA DEP NOI-130-0190 )

The contract services are for three years starting this Spring of 2022 through Fall 2024.

Invasive Treatment Schedule

Wednesday - May 10, 2023 - 9am - Noon

Monday - June 12, 2023 - 2pm - 5pm

Wednesday - July 10, 2023 - 9am - Noon

Wednesday - August 10, 2023 - 9am - Noon

Monday - April 29, 2024 - 10am - 1pm


Applied Watershed Sciences LLC


The HLD Prudential Committee has been working closely with Hillary Kenyon, from Applied Watershed Sciences LLC for over 3 years now as a professional lake management consultant. She has had a profound impact on us achieving our recent short-term goals while also advising and working towards some bigger long-term goals.

Hillary is a Certified Lake Manager, Plant & Soil Scientist, Watershed Planner, Limnologist, she comes highly recommended and is well respected in her field.

As our lake consultant Hillary has performed many tasks for us. She worked closely with HLD/Prudential, Cheshire Conservation Commission and DEP on updating the standing NOI from 2000. Our new NOI now gives us a variety of options as we move forward with treatments and best management practices, especially regarding late summer eel grass congestion.

 Studies conducted by Applied Watershed Sciences provides us with information as we work collaboratively with Pond and Lake on the aquatic management effectively, her data was used for our new NOI, aided in our grant applications and is critical to our ongoing lake management plan.

This is some of the work Applied Watershed Sciences currently have planned for this year.

  • Early June partial lake aquatic plant survey. This would be to monitor progress of the various treatments in 2024 and to document the potential need for any 2024 mechanical harvesting in key areas. Follow up recommendations and maps will be provided for any areas that warrant mechanical harvesting.

  • Gauge the regrowth of previously harvested (2023) areas and determine if it was successful for certain species.

  • All species aquatic plant survey - focus on treated areas, harvested areas, and known littoral zone with heavy aquatic plant impacts

  • Aquatic, Raw Plant Studies, Water Quality, Secchi clarity, phytoplankton algae, Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, algae pigments.

  • Raw plant survey data to demonstrate change and impacts of plant management in recent years and in 2024. Water quality data and maps. 

She was a key contributor on both grant applications recently submitted jointly with the town.


She is working with our support contractors, multiple municipalities, and the entire team to manage the lake effectively to improve, restore, preserve, and enhance the lake and its recreational value.

Weed Mechanical Harvesting on the lake this week.
(August 1st - August 4th, 2023)

As all of you are aware the mission of the Hoosac Lake District is to support recreation, preservation and management of Hoosac Lake for all residents and visitors who live and use the lake.

You will notice workers from New England Aquatic Services with the Weed Harvester working this week (Aug 1st - 4th, 2023) in the areas of the lake where the water chestnuts and eel grass are heavy and causing safety concerns for residents.

Scope of work is covered under our new NOI with Town of Cheshire - Conservation Commission and MA-DEP ( MA DEP NOI-130-0190 )

Any comments or concerns please direct to the Prudential Committee