Fall Reminder’s and Updates

Hoosac Lake Residents and Visitors.

Fall Reminder’s and Updates

Town Docks/Kayak Docks will be removed on October 24th.

All Boats and Docks need to be removed by November 1st.

Please use care at the boat launch if you are removing your boat, canoe or kayak.

Lake Hazard Buoys will also be removed in the coming weeks. Please use care when close to shore.

If you are on the water in the remaining weeks. Water temperatures are below 55 degrees.

Please use care when on the Lake.

Please wear a Life jacket !

NOTE: Massachusetts law (323 CMR 2.00) requires that all persons aboard canoes and kayaks from September 15 through May 15 shall wear at all times a Coast Guard approved Type I, II, or III lifejacket.

Any questions or concerns you can contact us at: clerk@hoosaclakedistrict.com or you can message or comment here and we will contact you.

Thank You to all for your support of the Hoosac Lake District this year. — at Cheshire Lake.


Annual Tax Classification Hearing


Lake Treatment Advisory